3 Expert Tips for Cold Emailing Financial Planners
One of the hardest things about landing a job is that many of them are hidden. Some people say that up to 80% of all jobs are never advertised. Which means that it all depends on who youknow—or whether you’re willing to step up to the plate and ask.
That’s where cold emailing comes in. For any paraplanner seeking their first client or hoping to book a schedule, cold emailing is absolutely essential. It’s a great way to find work as a virtual or traditional planner. It’s a proactive method of creating an opportunity. And it can be one of the most effective ways of getting what you want.
Of course, it’s also a little scary. How do you reach out to an advisor you’ve never met in hopes of landing a job with them? Luckily, it’s not as difficult as it sounds—and we’ve got the tips you need to make it happen.
Identify a great prospect.
Even the best cold email is completely useless if you’re sending it off to the wrong person.
Here’s a good rule of thumb: if you don’t genuinely want to meet or work with the contact you’ve selected, you shouldn’t send them an email. Instead, take the time to do your research and find someone with whom you can connect on a personal and professional level.
Furthermore, it’s important to approach each opportunity with the goal of connecting with
something specific about the planner, coming from a place of genuine interest. What do you like about who they are or the way they work? Can you envision how you might help them?
Regardless of whom you choose, both you and the planner need to derive some sort of value
from your connection. From there, make sure to tailor the email so that you speak confidently about this connection and the benefits it will bring you both.
Last, avoid shooting off the same bland email to each planner. Personalization will make all the difference here, so instead concentrate on writing a letter that this specific person will find enticing.
Think of it this way: you don’t like getting useless spam emails, so why would a
recruiter want to get a bland email from someone who’s obviously aiming for the first job that comes along, rather than the best fitting job. Keeping all of this in mind will greatly increase the chances of you getting a reply from the planner.
Abide by the 75/25 rule.
According to the 75/25 rule, some of the most successful conversations (especially in terms of business) are 75% about person in front of you, and 25% about you. In other words, now isn’t the time to ramble about every single personal and professional strength you possess.
It’s the time to talk about why you want to work with the planner in question, and what sets them apart from others. After all, people love to talk about themselves!
In order to do this, you’ll want to start gathering information. Generally, if you’ve identified a great prospect who’s looking for a planner, they’ve already had success in their business.
Check the company’s website or wherever you first found out about them, and stalk them on
LinkedIn and social media as well. Look for any recent news, published works, or blog posts, as well as awards.
Essentially, you want to find specific, tangible things you can point to when you explain why you’d love to connect with them. This is crucial when you’re introducing yourself to a planner in an email and they’ve never heard of you, as it shows your interest and enthusiasm for connecting.
Don’t be afraid to spend a lot of time on this, as heavy research is why cold emailing can be so powerful: sent to the right person, a well-written email can give you a huge leg up over the competition.
By the end, you’ve done your research, found the most relevant connection, and tailored your email to make sure they understand why the two of you are such a good fit for each other.
Act with intent.
Once the time comes to write and send off your email, be extra thoughtful about the little details.
Make sure to close your email with a few dates and specific times when you’re available to
meet, and give the planner an opportunity to set an alternative date if those you’ve chosen don’t
If you don’t hear back in a reasonable amount of time (say a week) don’t hesitate to send a follow-up email. You might also want to try an alternative form of communication like LinkedIn.
Don’t forget that advisors are busy people, and little gentle persistence never hurt anyone.
Following up can also go a long way in showing that you’re not just sending a mass mailing to as many potential employers as you could find online. Plus, it also demonstrates that you’re invested in forging a real connection, and that you’re committed to this potential employer.
Next, always aim for a “yes” or “no” response, not a “maybe.” Getting a “maybe” can make you wait for the possibility of something in the future, hanging on the hope of a connection—even if it won’t actually come to fruition.
Don’t settle, and don’t waste your time. Likewise, don’t waste too
much of your time on planners who don’t respond after a while. If your follow-ups don’t get results, it’s time to move on to the next opportunity.
As intimidating as a cold email can be, they’re a great way to make sure you’re putting your interest and passion on the table for someone who might really need your help. Don’t be afraid to reach out! The worst that can happen is they say no—but the best that can happen is that you land the perfect job (or at least come out of it with a valuable contact).
If you’re interested in email tricks and more opportunities to find your next client, don’t forget that Simply Paraplanner has coaching calls available!
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