The Greatest Thing Our Virtual Company Did In 2022
We’re in the virtual business of growing financial planning firms.
We are financial advisors. Business owners. And former paraplanners.
And what else are we?
We are a 100% virtual team dedicated to connecting financial planning firms with virtual employees and contractors. Our goal is simple. Make work experience more accessible in the financial planning industry.
We love being a virtual team.
Why? Flexibility. Productivity. And the ability to build the very best team, regardless of location.
We believe this is what makes our virtual recruiting business so successful.
Like the candidates we place, we value the flexibility to work wherever and whenever is best to get the job done and live fulfilling lives. When we are on, we are fully on. And because we are not bound to where we can hire, we have built a strong team across the country.
If our team is so good online…why make the effort to meet in person for a retreat?
What makes Simply Paraplanner great is exactly why it was paramount to connect in person. Our weekly team meetings are effective. We catch up quickly and dive into business.
And for this in person team meeting, we adjusted our focus.
We connected deeply and intentionally. There is no water cooler to gather around when working online. So getting to know one another on a more meaningful level was our highest priority.
Making the most of our time together.
So how did the very first Simply Paraplanner team meeting become such a success? We got real. We made use of many exercises our friend, Jens Madsen, the Richer Life Partner Manager at Brighton Jones, shared with us.
Over a day and a half we were able to accomplish a lot.
As a team, we looked at how far we’ve come, our mission and values, and where we hope to go in the future. We laughed and cried together as the team became more trusting and vulnerable. We shared about our personal lives and our own goals.
We played a round of Telestrations, enjoyed wine late into the night, and learned our team can’t beat a rather tough escape room in under an hour.
But we did spend a good amount of time coming up with as many ideas as we could. Both for our recruiting business and our job board. With giant pieces of paper taped to the walls, we wrote every idea down.
We’ve seen great progress in our team already.
The camaraderie carries forward through every interaction. Some of the ideas on those big sheets of paper have already been implemented. And we cannot wait for our next meet up.
Based on our experience, if you have a virtual or partially virtual team, you’d be doing yourself a lot of good to hold your own retreat.
Your team can be made better with the addition of a virtual hire. Teams are transformed by hiring not only the best candidate nearby, but the best candidate anywhere. And if you want to work with the experts on doing so, schedule a call!
The Simply Paraplanner team would love to help you.